A year ago today...
A year ago today I sprained my ankle playing volleyball. I jumped up to block a ball and when I came down I landed on my teammate's foot. With some assistance I was able to stand up and hop to the sidelines, but then I wasn't able to sit up without passing out so I spent quite a while laying on the floor with my foot propped on a chair and wrapped in an ice pack. The worst part of this was that they had planned to all head over to Steve's Pizza for a going-away pizza and beer party for me, but I messed all that up. Not to mention the fact that I was moving in three days and still had a lot of packing to do. A buff guy ended up carrying me out to a lady's car and she drove me home where I had to drag Mom and Dad out of bed to go get my car. Sorry guys! My ankle still doesn't bend the way it used to.

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