Snoqualmie River

Saturday morning the meteorologist on CNN said something along the lines of, "It's warm and sunny throughout the entire country this Memorial Day Weekend...except the Pacific Northwest...but hey, we can't all be happy!" Yes, it rained all weekend (Seattleite: "This isn't rain, this is water from the sky!"), but after two days of indoor activities I took advantage of Monday's relative dryness and went for a hike. I stayed at low elevation to avoid the snow and tested out my new gear: backpack (very comfy!); trekking poles (um, didn't last long before I decided they were annoying--I'll have to give those a try another day). I ended up walking 6-7 miles up the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River before turning around and heading back. Pictures are posted here!
What a wonderful hike you made! I really loved the narration along the way.
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