Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Black rocks, blue water

Believe it or not, pictures from our fourth day at Maui are up already! On this day we visited LaParouse Bay and hiked out to the Aquarium where I did some snorkeling--gorgeous! Then we spent some time on Big Beach before heading back to our hotel for another beautiful sunset. Enjoy!

Blue pools

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Lucky girl!

I'm such a lucky girl to have so many visitors recently!

First Mom and Dad came to see me. We went to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival...


...rode the elevator to the top of the Columbia Center Tower...

On top of the world

...visited Sculpture Park...

The whole crew

...and went skydiving on Whidbey Island.

Shopping at Half Price Parachutes is not a good idea.

Then George came to visit me, too! Here we are swinging in the Capulas at Sculpture Park.


Monday, April 23, 2007

All about sun

Have you noticed? Pictures of our third day in Maui have been posted for quite a while now, I just never blogged about it. This day we got up early to drive to the summit of Haleakala to watch the sunrise. Then we shed our hats, gloves, and ski jackets and donned our swimsuits and sunblock for a walk on Kahekili Beach outside our hotel, topped off by a sunset from our back porch.

A day is born