Stubby Fingers
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Oh Canada!
Today I took my parents up to see Vancouver, BC. Unfortunately, we didn't pick the best day to go. It was super foggy so we couldn't see much of anything, plus there was a Santa Claus parade going on downtown making traffic and navigation rather unpleasant. But we did eventually make it to Stanley Park where we attempted to see the Lion's Gate Bridge (see it there behind Mom and Dad?).

Because of the fogginess we gave up on Vancouver and drove down to Point Roberts, Washington--a place I'd read about over a year ago in a little article in National Geographic.
We couldn't see much there either, but now we can say we've been there...and Mom and Dad finally got to use their passports!

Saturday, November 19, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
A year ago today...
A year ago today was my first day working at VM. I found this that I wrote that evening:
Today I was in the pharmacy all day, but I did no pharmacy work. It was a day of tours that pointed out fire extinguishers, chemo spill kits, and fridge overtemp alarms. It was a day of taking tests about everything from my ability to handle bomb threats to my ability to handle doctors who refuse to use the proper abbreviations. It was a day of extreme boredom, let me tell you. How long can a girl look interested and enthusiastic about her new job when subjected to such conditions? I tried my best.Thankfully, my job has been much more enjoyable since that first day!
Monday, November 14, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
A year ago today...
A year ago today I sprained my ankle playing volleyball. I jumped up to block a ball and when I came down I landed on my teammate's foot. With some assistance I was able to stand up and hop to the sidelines, but then I wasn't able to sit up without passing out so I spent quite a while laying on the floor with my foot propped on a chair and wrapped in an ice pack. The worst part of this was that they had planned to all head over to Steve's Pizza for a going-away pizza and beer party for me, but I messed all that up. Not to mention the fact that I was moving in three days and still had a lot of packing to do. A buff guy ended up carrying me out to a lady's car and she drove me home where I had to drag Mom and Dad out of bed to go get my car. Sorry guys! My ankle still doesn't bend the way it used to.